Friday, May 28, 2010

Beeker's General Store in Pemberville, Ohio

Hey everyone! I've found the most amazing little general store called Beeker's General Store! It's in the small town of Pemberville, Ohio where quite a few of my ancestors and relatives have lived. It is chocked full of everything that you could ever imagine! I loved it! The people there were so friendly and helpful. I was looking for the old phone company where my beloved Grandma Elsie had worked many years ago. They helped me find it and told me many old stories! I loved my visit with them! And I did get to see where she had spent so much of her time so long ago.

The phone company was in a building that is now an antique store. That lady was very helpful also and showed me where things had been even showing me the leftover markings and holes in the floors and walls where huge telephone equipment had been installed. The offices and rooms where the operators had worked were upstairs. As I stood at the bottom of those stairs looking upward, I felt some of the burden that my grandmother probably felt. She had recently lost her husband and had 5 children left with her to feed, clothe and house. How weary she must have felt at times! As I climbed the stairs, I couldn't help but feel and think the things that she must have felt and thought. At the top of the stairs, in the rooms that held the operator's equipment, I felt my grandma's presence. I felt her talking to me, whispering the words of loneliness and desperation that she felt during that time. She got through those years and went on to be the proud mother of five grown, outstanding children and many, many grandchildren and great-grandchildren!

I never imagined that I would ever have that experience! But thanks to the good folks at Beeker's General Store, I had one of the closest moments with my wonderful grandmother! I can't wait to go back for another visit to this marvelous little town!

I found them on Facebook - Beeker's General Store! And they have a cool give-away on their blog!! Be sure and check it out! But don't enter the drawing because I want to win!!! LOL


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