Heritage Hunters, I have just been directed to
THE MOST wonderful, informative, and helpful article that I've read in a very long time,
18th Century Pennsylvania German Naming Customs!!! Stacey Jewell Stahl, a marvelous digiscrap designer (I'm sorry I don't know where she is selling her designs currently), posted it on Facebook and I am so thankful that she took the time to do so. It is an old article actually, so some of you may have already seen it or something similar, and ask *Well, where have you been Vicki?!?!?* But to me, it is new and very useful information concerning all those frustrating German names where
everyone in the same family was named Johann!! Now that my Lutheran German names make more sense, I'll have to check to see if the same holds true for the Catholic French-Canadians where everyone is a Joseph or Marie!
Check out the article,
18th Century Pennsylvania German Naming Customs, and let's get some chatter going about it in the
Heritage Scrap Heritage Hunters forum! In fact, let's make this the focus of the next Heritage Hunter's chat on Tuesday, July 20 at 9:00 p.m. eastern time in the
Heritage Scrap chat room!!